Dear Users , our mission is to assist you , in all your financial needs .
Broadly application is categorized in nine sections namely Banking Calculator , Bank Rates , Post Office Rates , Post Office Calculator, Personal Saving Calculator , Travel , Property , Electric Vehicles and Articles.
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Electric Vehicles section, is recently being added under Articles Section ,do visit it. Rates have been updated recently for Personal Loan , Education Loan , PPF rates, Senior Citizen saving scheme , Sukanya Samridhi and Kisan Vikas Patra
See the list of Calculators , which will assisst you in finding maturity amount for various deposit
instruments as well as calculate emi . For credit card also , feature is available to find when you can become debt free.
Click below links to navigate
1. PPF Calculator
2. FD Calculator
3. EMI Calculator
5. RD Calculator
6. MIS Calculator
7. Credit Payment Calculator
Find rates offered for different banking components.
1. PPF Rates
2. Home Loan Rates
3. New Car Loan Rates
4. Personal Loan Rates
5. Education Loan Rates
6. TAX Saving FD Rates
7. Max FD Rates
8. Credit Card APR rates
9. FCNR Rates
10. Locker Charges
See the rates offered by various Post Office investment schemes.
1. NSC Rates
2. Kisan Vikas Patra Rates
3. Post Office RD Rates
4. Senior Citizen Saving Scheme
5. Sukanya Samridhi Scheme
Find the range of calculators for PO investment schemes. Calculate in advance your earnings before investing.
1. NSC Calculator
2. Kisan Vikas Patra Calculator
3. Sukanya Samridhi Calculator
4. Senior Citizen Saving Scheme Calculator
These calculators are crafted for personal needs of the individuals and help in pre-assessing the costs.
1. Budget Calculator
2. Travel Budget Calculator
Get the list of popular tourist destinations along with all the needed information like
1. Airport and railway station.
2. Popular spots.
3. Hotels and cab charges information.
1. Travel
Check property buying tips and calculators for Property.
1. Service Tax Calculator
2. Stamp Duty Calculator
3. Registeration Charge Calculator
4. Tips for buying flats
See the list of EV vehicles belonging to the category of three wheelers , two wheelers and four wheelers.
1. Two Wheeler
2. Passenger
3. Car
4. Cargo